So what exactly is a 'Legacy Grant Fund'? At the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation legacy grant funds are funds where the principal value is given by a donor and invested by the Foundation to create an endowment. Over time the invested fund will generate enough income annually to fund a scholarship or grant activity benefiting students of the Grand Island Public Schools.
Still, what makes it a legacy? There are two important components. First, the perpetual nature of the fund creates benefit every year for student opportunities. The second important component is the creation of the fund guidelines that reflect the particular value system of the donor/s who initiated the fund. Legacy funds can be created for loved ones lost, or those that are still with us that want to create opportunities for students.
Listed below are the legacy grant funds that have been gifted by donors like you who want to invest in students in an everlasting way. Each fund has its own guidelines, its own purpose, and its own reason for existing. But every one of these funds touches Grand Island Public School students forever and in a meaningful way. Your legacy is their opportunity.

Agnes Ayoub "BAB" Fund
The Agnes Ayoub “BAB” Fund is the legacy of Mrs. Agnes Ayoub, a school secretary for GIPS for 38 years, five at Howard and 33 at Walnut. Agnes gently guided new teachers, confused parents, and even principals with her sense of humor and deft organization. Her greatest asset, however, was connecting with the thousands of students who showed up at the counter in her office, all of whom she knew by name. “BAB” refers to an actual petty cash Band Aid Box she kept in the office for school emergencies, but “BAB” is also a metaphor for the countless times Agnes personally provided lunch money, a pair of shoes, a new coat, or simply a smile and a kind word for a student in need of one. The fund is intended, via school secretaries, to continue her legacy.

Lucy A. Baasch Estate Endowed Fund
The Lucy A. Baasch Fund makes annual grants to benefit students enrolled in Special Education Programs at Grand Island Public Schools.

Tony Corradi Memorial Fund
The family and friends of Tony (Anthony) Corradi have established this fund in his memory to continue his tradition of helping provide athletic opportunities for students at Walnut Middle School. Tony attributed much of his success in life to the impact athletics and coaches had on him during his secondary years of school. He supported athletes in need by providing funds to help them get equipment and attend camps when he would hear that they might miss out on these experiences.

Patty Lundeen Galbraith Endowed Fund
This endowed fund was established in honor of Patty Galbraith's retirement after 32 years of dedicated service to the students, parents, and coworkers of CNSSP.

Grand Island Senior High Soccer Character Scholarship
The Grand Island Senior High Soccer Team Character Scholarship is intended to encourage students to go forward against all odds, and give them hope and opportunity through grants that connect students to school, community, and success. The fund was initiated by a family with a heart for young people who demonstrate character.

Grand Island Senior High Student Council Helping Hand Grant Fund
Grand Island Senior High Student Council believes that all with ties to GISH are family. When members of a family come upon hardships, they should be able to rely on other members of the family for support. With that in mind, this grant has been created with the intention that it will be used for helping those in need from emergencies like illnesses, tragedies, and accidents with ties to GISH.

Debra Happold Memorial Endowed Fund
The Debra Happold Memorial Fund makes grants on an annual basis to the Grand Island Public Schools Food for Thought Program or any subsequent program that operates for the purpose of sending food home with school children who do not have enough to eat.

Alvin (Eric) Haivala Memorial Fund
The family of Alvin (Eric) Haivala have established this fund in his memory. Eric attributed much of his success in life to the impact athletics and coaches had on him during his years at GISH. Eric graduated GISH in 1978. The purpose of the Alvin (Eric) Haivala Memorial Fund within the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation will be to make grants to assist individual Grand Island Senior High students who need extra support to participate in wrestling. The fund can be used for individual items such as shoes and other athletic equipment, and sports development camps.

Mary Ann Indra Endowed Fund
The Mary Ann Indra Fund provides eyeglasses or camps to visually impaired students.
Indra House Endowed Fund
The Indra House Fund provides updates or ongoing maintenance of the Indra Transitional Learning Center facility.
Indra Special Education Training Endowed Fund
The Indra Special Education Training Fund provides staff training to help serve special needs students.

Jack Jeffries Memorial Scoreboard Endowment
The purpose of the Jack Jeffries Memorial Scoreboard Endowment is to generate income annually, restricted to fund the replacement of the Jack Jeffries Memorial Scoreboard at Memorial Stadium. Annual proceeds from this endowed fund will be placed into a temporarily restricted fund until which time a new scoreboard is needed at Memorial Stadium (or subsequently built football stadiums used by Grand Island Senior High).

Embree “Em” Learned Memorial Fund
The Embree “Em” Learned Memorial Fund is intended to support children who have disabilities or conditions that impair their development and learning. Always a strong advocate for educational opportunities, Em worked as a Paraprofessional in the Grand Island Public Schools Early Childhood Program and classrooms for children with Visual Challenges. She supported these students for 13 years beginning in 1979. Em retired in 1992 and had many fond memories of the experiences and children that touched her life.

Larry D. and Judy A. Maupin Orchestra Endowed Fund
Larry and Judy Maupin established this fund to enhance the orchestra program at Grand Island Senior High. Mr. Maupin taught orchestra at Grand Island Senior High for 38 years, retiring in 2003. Larry and Judy are firm believers in the value of music education for students. The intent of this fund is to help fulfill the mission of the Grand Island Senior High Orchestra Program which "seeks to develop individual musical artistry, ensemble excellence, and promote a lifelong enjoyment of music in each young person."

Clark W. Reese Memorial Endowed Fund
The family of Clark W. Reese has established this fund in his memory to enhance Fine Arts programs of the Grand Island Public Schools. Clark and his wife Karen enjoyed the musical and theatrical gifts of their son Ryan while he attended the Grand Island Public Schools. Clark was a dear friend of the students of Grand Island. He supported the schools of this community by serving as a "Band Dad," a "Stage Dad," and as a board member of the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation. He and Karen believe in giving students the gift of educational opportunity.

Jeffrey Rosacker Endowed Fund
The Jeffrey Rosacker Fund is to help individual students attending Grand Island Senior High access and acquire mental health services through the Student Wellness Center. The Jeffrey Rosacker Endowed Fund of the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation will provide an annual grant to support the mental health treatment of Grand Island Senior High students who are not in a position to self-pay for services. Additionally, the Saint Francis Medical Center Foundation has graciously agreed to match the annual grant made by the Jeffrey Rosacker Endowed Fund to afford students additional treatment sessions.

Bill and Bea Southard Endowed Fund
From time to time, students of the Grand Island Public Schools find themselves in a situation where they are missing educational opportunities because of their economic status. The Bill and Bea Southard Endowed Fund will focus on providing educational opportunities for students attending Walnut Middle School. The fund may be used to help individual students, a group of students, or for the benefit of the school as a whole.

Mark and Wanda Stelk High Ability Learner Fund
Dr. Wanda Stelk spent her career at Grand Island Public Schools inspiring learners to reach for their best. She challenged high-ability learners both inside and outside the classroom. In her retirement, Dr. Stelk and her husband Mark wanted to continue to challenge students to be their best. The Stelks have launched the Mark and Wanda Stelk High Ability Learner Fund to offer enriching educational experiences for high-ability learners. The fund may be used to help individual students or a group of students.

Gloria and S.N. "Bud" Wolbach Student Kindness Fund
The Gloria and S.N. "Bud" Wolbach Student Kindness Fund is a legacy of kindness from Grand Island's first "AOK Lady" Gloria Wolbach and her husband S.N. "Bud" Wolbach. Gloria and Bud spent their lives building the town of Grand Island into a 'community.' Their acts of kindness, big and small, are a source of pride for Grand Island. This fund is intended to encourage students to go forward against all odds, and give them hope and opportunity through grants that connect students to school, community, and success.