Clark W. Reese Memorial Endowed Fund
The family of Clark W. Reese has established this fund in his memory to enhance Fine Arts programs of the Grand Island Public Schools. Clark and his wife Karen enjoyed the musical and theatrical gifts of their son Ryan while he attended the Grand Island Public Schools. Clark was a dear friend of the students of Grand Island. He supported the schools of this community by serving as a "Band Dad," a "Stage Dad," and as a board member of the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation. He and Karen believe in giving students the gift of educational opportunity.
Eligibility and Purpose:
This fund will make grants on an annual basis to benefit students in grades 6-12 of the Grand Island Public Schools. The grants can be awarded to qualifying individual students or qualifying programs benefiting groups of students.
1. Annual grants will be made to support Fine Arts (Music, Theatre, Art) educational opportunities that meet one of the following criteria:
- Bringing in a guest conductor/clinician
- Working with another theatre group/musical group/artistic group either in Grand Island or in another community
- Giving private lessons to individual students who cannot afford them (Guidelines from the Foundation's Special Opportunities Fund will be used to qualify individual students.) Additionally, qualifying students are expected to participate in cost defraying activities/fundraising if they are available.
- Tuition for individual students to attend Fine Arts camps, when cost prohibits their participation
2. The Grand Island Public Schools Foundation Board of Directors will invest and administer the fund as per Foundation guidelines. Annual payouts will be made.
3. Funding decisions will be approved by the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation Special Opportunities Committee. The Special Opportunities Committee will include information regarding grant decisions in their monthly report to the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation Board of Directors.
4. Grants will be made payable to institutions, organizations, clinicians, tutors etc. on behalf of the Fine Arts programs as a whole or on behalf of individual Grand Island Public Schools students.
5. Grants will not be paid directly to the student.
Selection Committee:
A committee approved by the Foundation Board will select the recipients from the requests submitted.
Application Procedure:
Complete the grant application and submit to the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation. Grants will be awarded throughout the year as funds are available.