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What We Do

Classroom Grants


Online Application

Application open August 1 - September 27 at 4 pm

Classroom Grants range from $250 to $2,500

One application round per school year.

Eligibility and Deadlines

The Grand Island Public Schools Foundation awards classroom grants on an annual basis. Classroom Grants are designed to fund educational opportunities for students that are not available through the school district's general budget. Only applicants with a email address are eligible for grants.

  • Classroom Grants will be considered for:
    • Classroom projects that require out-of-the-ordinary supplies, educational software (for student use), etc.
    • Applicants must demonstrate the impact on and the benefit to students. The committee looks favorably upon co-operative grants.
    • Additionally, the committee is concerned with equity. A project that benefits all classrooms in a school building at one level or more will carry more points. 
    • The committee reserves the right to make exceptions. 
  • Classroom Grants will not be considered for:
    • Teacher stipends
    • T-shirts
    • Alternative seating
    • Food (unless directly related to the project)
    • The committee reserves the right to make exceptions.

Application Deadlines:

  • August 1 - open
  • September 27 at 4:00 pm - closed
  • October - awards announced
  • Projects should begin after November 1


Frequently Asked Questions

Contact the System Administrator with questions at

  • Will there be a grant round in the second semester?

    The Classroom Grant program has moved to just one round per year. The grant application will open in August and close the end of September. Grant awards will be announced the end of October. There will not be a round in the second semester.

  • How do I create an account?

    NOTE: Only applicants with a email address are eligible for grants.
    Before you can use the online grant application you must become a registered user. During the registration process you will choose your own username and password. If you cannot remember your user name that you have created, please contact the system administrator. DO NOT create another account. If you create a duplicate account, the Grant Committee reserves the right to disqualify your application.

    Create a new account
    At the login screen click To create a new application click here. DO NOT create duplicate accounts. You will be presented with a registration screen. Enter your name and email address. Choose a unique user name and a password of at least 5 characters. We recommend using the email address as your user name. If a user name is not entered, the email address will be used as your user name. Remember that the passwords are case sensitive and fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

  • How do I reset my password?

    If you cannot remember your username or password, use the link to reset your account. DO NOT create multiple accounts or you may be disqualified from the grant application process.To reset your password you must know your username or email address used to create the account.

    If you still cannot access your account contact the System Administrator at

    Complete the Reset Password Page
    Enter your email address and/or your username (you must know at least one used to create account). Click the Reset Password button. An email will be sent to your account email address with a link to reset your password.

  • How do I create multiple grant requests?

    NOTE: Only applicants with a email address are eligible for grants.

    Maximum of 5 grant requests per cycle:
    After you have created an account and started/completed the grant application, you can create additional grant applications to be considered during the same grant cycle. The maximum number of grant requests per cycle is five. All grant applications can be created with one user account.

    Create a new grant application:
    Log into the grant application. To create another grant request click on the Add Entry icon.

    Open grant application:
    Click on the pencil to open a grant application.

    View list of grant applications:
    Click on Forms in the top grey box. This will navigate back to your list of applications. Click on the pencil next to the application you want to work on.

  • What do the icons in my application mean?

    A green check mark indicates that all of the required fields in a form have been completed and saved.

    A red exclamation point is shown when at least one required field in a form is empty or contains an invalid entry. Your document cannot be submitted while any of its forms are incomplete. If you hover your mouse over the red exclamation point, pop-up text will list the reasons that a form is considered incomplete.

    A green save diskette is shown when there is a change to a field in the form. You must click on the diskette to save the information. The green diskette may appear at the bottom of the screen or in the upper right of the page.

  • How do I know if my recommendation is complete?

    Each grant application requires a recommendation from your building principal or direct supervisor. You will not be able to submit your grant application until the recommendation has been completed.

    Once you enter their information in the Principal Recommendation and Signature page, your building principal/direct supervisor will receive an email with a link to your online grant application recommendation form. Once they complete the recommendation they will not be able to access your application again. The recommendation must be complete before you may submit your application. Monitor closely the progress of your recommendation. It is your responsibility to ensure your recommendation completes the form. The status of your recommendation will be displayed on the “Principal Recommendation and Signature” page next to their email address.

    (Notified) - Indicates the recommendation has been sent a form link by email.

    (Failed) - Indicates the recommendation email is incorrect and bounced. You must correct the email address. Once the email address has been corrected and the page saved, a new email will be sent to the updated email address.

    (Completed) - Indicates the recommendation has completed the form and submitted it as complete.

  • How do I submit my grant application?

    Before you can submit your application, you must complete all the required questions and your recommendation must be submitted as complete. The Submit button at the bottom of the navigation menu will be clickable when all the requirements have been completed. You will receive an email stating your application has been submitted.

    If the submit button is inactive, it means something in your application is incomplete. Check your application again and complete any missing information. Once all information is complete the submit button will activate.

    Your application must be submitted before the deadline to be reviewed.

  • GIPS Strategic Plan

    One essay question on the Grant Narrative page asks "Does this project address one or more of the above goals? How? Please describe how this project will provide additional opportunities to students and meets district objectives/goals." Click here for more in depth information about the GIPS Strategic Plan.

  • How do I complete the recommendation form?

    Recommendation Forms are Time-sensitive
    The applicant cannot submit their application until the recommendation form is complete and submitted. Applicants are competing for grants.

    Reminder Emails: A system generated reminder email will be sent every three days until the form is completed.

    Confidential: Your response is confidential. Applicants will not be able to see your recommendation form.

    Recommendation Form Access Link
    Once the applicant enters the recommendation name and email into the application, the system automatically generates a recommendation request email.

    Unique Links: Each recommendation request link is unique. The link will only open the recommendation form from the application it is associated with. Multiple applicants may request a recommendation from the same person. Each request will generate an email that contains a unique link.

    Save Diskette: Click on the save diskette to save changes to fields. (navigation menu and bottom of page)

    Submit as Complete: After all the fields on the recommendation form are complete, click the save diskette and the confirmation page will appear. Click on “Submit as Complete” if you are finished. The access link will be deactivated.

    Continue Editing: If you need to exit the form before it is complete, click on the save diskette to save the changes to the fields first. On the confirmation page, click on “Continue Editing” to keep the access link activated. Click the access link in the recommendation request email to access the form again.

    Reactivate Link: If you have submitted the recommendation form as complete, but still need to edit the form, contact the system administrator (


How is my Online Grant Application scored?

Grand Island Public Schools Foundation grants are awarded through a competitive process. Each grant application is reviewed by a committee and scored.

  • Score Overview

    Grand Island Public Schools Foundation grants are awarded through a competitive process. Each grant application is reviewed by a committee and scored.

    Project title and description (6 points)

    • Has the applicant clearly followed application directions?
    • Has the applicant clearly described the project?

    Meets district objectives/grant narrative (30 points)

    • Does the project provide a learning experience/opportunity that students would otherwise not receive?
    • Is the project high impact, involving a lot of students, or one that could be duplicated across the district so that it would impact a greater number of students?
    • Does the applicant explain how the project enhances current curriculum?
    • Does the applicant explain how the project meets district objectives?
    • How many disciplines are used in the project? Does the applicant describe how the project will impact the different disciplines?
    • Does the project sound like an engaging learning experience? Would you or your children react favorably to the project?

    Outcome and measures (15 points)

    • Does the applicant explain the outcomes?
    • Does the applicant have a plan to measure the outcomes?
    • Are the outcomes realistic?

    Itemized budget (15 points)

    • Has the applicant provided an itemized budget as requested?
    • Are the expenses reasonable?
    • Is there an expense that is not in line with the Foundation priority of providing additional opportunities for our students?

    Timeline (6 points)

    • Is the timeline reasonable?
    • Has the applicant planned adequate introduction and follow-up for the project?

Janeth Davis Memorial Fund

Applications and awards through the Classroom Grant process

The family of Janeth Davis offers this fund to honor her memory and invest in the students of Grand Island Public Schools. Mrs. Davis was a middle school teacher, teaching both English and Spanish. She loved her students and was a fierce advocate for their education and opportunities. 

Eligibility and Purpose
The Janeth Davis Memorial Fund will offer grants annually to benefit students via the GIPS Foundation’s Classroom Grant program. The grants will be funded using the standard procedures for Classroom Grants as determined by the GIPS Foundation.

Preference will be given to middle school projects for these designated funds, but other projects may also be funded.

The cap for funds distributed will not exceed $1,500

To Apply
Complete the Classroom Grant online application form at

Classroom Grant applications are accepted on an annual basis. See application deadlines at

Selection Committee
A committee approved by the Foundation Board will select the recipients from the requests submitted.

GIPS Foundation announces 2023-2024 Classroom Grant Awards

For the 2023-2024 school year, 13 grants totaling $17,111 were awarded through the Classroom Grants process. Grants range from $250 to $2,500. The Janeth Davis Memorial Fund generously provided $1,500 to expand the Classroom Grant program. 4,554 students will benefit from a classroom grant this school year.

A collaboration of April Dickerson, Dana Pavuk and Huy Truong, Barr Middle School, $950, “Translation Dictionaries for Students.” This project will put translation dictionaries in students’ backpacks so that they can be used in all of their classes and at home. Students are able to use translation dictionaries on state testing but it slows down their testing efforts because they do not get regular practice with the book. This prevents them from having equitable access to the tools they need to show their true abilities and understanding of classroom materials. This grant will benefit 130 students in grades 6-8.

A collaboration of Shannon Ripp and Erika Peterson, Barr Middle School, $1,588, “Barr 6th - 8th Science Extensions W.I.N.” This project will provide students with new experiences to explore the world of forensics. Students will learn to think like an investigator and will be given the opportunity to learn the basics of analyzing a crime scene. Students will hear from community guest speakers to make real world connections. Speakers could include local police, state patrol, fire marshal and fire fighters. This grant will benefit 150 students in grades 6-8.

A collaboration of Rachel Stefan and Bob Lienemann, Barr Middle School, $385, “Barr MS Students Attending Beauty and the Beast.” This grant will provide transportation for students to attend the preview screening of the GISH musical. Many students have socioeconomic hurdles that prevent them from attending fine arts performances. Student exposure to fine arts events create the next generation of patrons and performers. This grant will benefit 30 students in grades 7-8.

A collaboration of Breanna Rose, Danita Stanton, Margaret McManaman, Rita Hernandez and Beth Hubl, O’Connor Learning Center, $1,500, “Literacy Expansion and Equity.” This grant will provide a Spanish copy of read aloud books to each classroom allowing all students to participate in equitable learning. The books could be read to all students in Spanish, while also providing a copy for the literacy center for students to enhance book knowledge and story-telling skills. This grant was funded by the Janeth Davis Memorial Grant and will benefit 456 students.

A collaboration of Chandra Kosmicki and Jean Vaughn, Engleman Elementary School, $1,150, “Amping Up our Makerspace.” This grant will allow us 'amp up' our makerspace by adding resources in science, technology, engineering, art and math that will create new and unique opportunities for our students. This grant will benefit 475 student during school and at after school events.

A collaboration of Catherine Klanecky, Jennifer Ehlers, Amy Samuelson and Emily Craw, Engleman Elementary School, $400, “Portable Planetarium.” Through a highly engaging presentation partnered with the Explorit Center, our entire group of first grade students would be able to connect their learning in reading and math to a realistic, hands on experience and enhance their understanding of our world and solar system. This grant will benefit 80 students in the 1st grade.

A collaboration of Amy Hanna and Deb Glover, Howard Elementary School, $1,523, “Sensory Stations.” This grant will create mobile sensory stations for each wing/annex to provide all Howard students, especially those who have been exposed to trauma, chronic stress, and those with sensory needs, with the tools to regulate, calm or re-engage themselves. This will help to minimize class disruptions, improve focus and increase student engagement to maximize learning. This grant will benefit 445 students in grades Pre-K – 5.

Colette Sorensen, Shoemaker Elementary School, $2,393, “Let Your Creativity Glow!” Let Your Creativity Glow, is a Social Emotional Creative Art (SECA) Unit for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade at both Shoemaker and Stolley Park Elementary Schools. Each grade will use a variety of bright, fluorescent, and/or glow in the dark media to create different art projects tied to our Second Step social emotional skills. Most supplies, ordered through this grant, will last five or more years which will allow for an activity each year through students' elementary career. This grant will benefit 750 students in grades K-5 at Shoemaker and Stolley Park Elementary Schools.

A collaboration of Chandra Myers, Luke Sutherland, Codee Carr, Toni Bachand, Marisalynn Koepke, Anabel Gonzalez and Alex Tjaden, West Lawn Elementary School, $2,000,  “Sensory Path for Success.” This grant will purchase a sensory path for students. Sensory paths are designed to target sensory seeking behaviors. Research shows a reduction in sensory seeking behaviors and an increase in cognitive functioning with the use of these paths. This path will be in the hallway and a resource to any student who needs it. This grant will benefit 300 students in grades Pre-K – 5.

A collaboration of Elizabeth Schott and Angela Jenness, Knickrehm Elementary School, $400, “5th Grade Visit to GISH Planetarium.” This project will enhance students understanding of the criteria of a science unit. They will partner with GISH science to create an experience for students that they would not normally be able to have. The grant will fund transportation and benefit 39 students in 5th grade.

Rebecca Duran, Knickrehm Elementary School, $1,450, “Continuing Evidence-Based Substance Abuse Prevention.” This project will help teach students about self-esteem, decision-making, smoking, advertising, communication, assertiveness, and more! It helps to give kids knowledge and power to understand how to stand up for themselves and make choices. This grant will benefit 462 students in grades Pre-K – 5.

Nicki Nesvara, Starr Elementary School, $1,000, “The Stallion Sharing Stable,” Starr Elementary is creating a needs closet at the school that will have supplies and other necessities available to any of our Starr families in need. Families will be able to sign up for a day to come and get supplies that are needed from the store. The closet will provide clothing, hygiene products, food items, school supplies, etc. This grant will benefit 437 students Pre-K - 5.

Eon Lemburg, Walnut Middle School, $2,372, “Jr. Islander Power - Walnut Wildcats.” With the purchase of new weight and fitness equipment, Walnut Wildcat students will be able to continue their pursuit of a lifelong healthy lifestyle. With the addition of kettlebell weights and rowing machines, students will be able to learn and master different workouts that best suit their needs. All students for years to come in athletics, physical education, and health elective courses will have the ability to use this equipment. This grant will benefit 800 students in grades 6-8.

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