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Umbrella Organizations

GISH students
GIPS Foundation Umbrella Organizations logo

As the philanthropic partner of the Grand Island Public Schools, the GIPS Foundation offers financial and governance infrastructure to the many clubs and booster organizations that are affiliated with our schools. The member organizations are able to use the Foundation's status as a non-profit organization to raise funds and distribute them for the benefit of GIPS students. The Foundation takes care of the accounting, receipting and reporting, so that these volunteer organizations can focus on investing in students. 


Umbrella Organizations:


Athletic Booster Club

The Grand Island Senior High Islander Athletic Booster Club is a committee interested in Grand Island Senior High School Athletics with the following purposes:

  • To provide support, cooperation, and inspiration to help build the athletic programs at Grand Island Public Schools.
  • To provide financial support toward the purchase of needed equipment, supplies and sponsorship not otherwise available.
  • To develop a strong link and good communication between club members, the Grand Island Education Foundation and Grand Island Senior High School.

Athletic Hall of Fame

Grand Island Senior High is excited to announce the formation of an Athletic Hall of Fame. The first class of athletes, coaches, teams and contributors was inducted on January 26, 2018, at an Islander basketball game.

“We’re excited about honoring the rich tradition of the best athletes, male and female, at Grand Island Senior High. We have generations of championship teams and individual athletes who’ve reached the pinnacle of their sport. Great coaches and contributors have helped these student-athletes through the decades and it’s time to recognize them,” said GISH Activities Director Cindy Wells.

Band Booster Club

The goal of the Grand Island Senior High School Islander Band Boosters is to support the bands of the Academies of the Grand Island Senior High School. Support is given through the following means:

  • To provide financial support to purchase needed equipment and supplies.
  • To provide transportation to and from music competitions.
  • To provide food and supplies to band students during traveling events.
  • To supplement district provided instruction with specialists and clinicians.
  • To provide musical growth and inspiration.

Grand Island Senior High School offers marching band, concert band, orchestra, small group ensembles and individual instrumental experiences.

GI Home Run Club

The GI Home Run Club was created to bring together individuals interested in providing support and financial assistance for the Islander Baseball spring program. This includes supporting all players in the program that come from three high schools in Grand Island (Grand Island Senior High, Northwest High School, and Grand Island Central Catholic). We encourage all baseball fans, parents, and faculty to actively support our student-athletes by donating to our GI Home Run Club. 

GISH Wrestling

Islander Football Hall of Fame

Mission: To chronicle the history and tradition of Islander Football by recognizing outstanding players, coaches, teams and contributors.

Islander Touchdown Club

The Islander Touchdown Club Sponsors help us with the many expenses a high school football program incurs, including allowing us to provide meals to our players after every road game for all levels.

Islander Power

"Islander Power is an all-encompassing Strength and Conditioning program dedicated to help improve the overall athleticism of all of our Islander Athletes at Grand Island Senior High. Our goal is to improve strength, explosiveness, power, change of direction, linear speed and overall durability. This is a NECESSITY to perform well at the Class A Level in Nebraska high school athletics. Not only do we work to improve the athlete, but we take pride in developing great humans as well by equipping our kids with the leadership skills necessary to be successful as members of society. 

Another staple of ours is Islander Powerlifting. We compete at meets across the State of Nebraska, as well as the national level for the first time this year! From having 5 lifters in year 1 to 50+ in year 3, our program is growing rapidly along with our support! 

Orchestra Booster Club

Outdoor Club

Outreach Center

Post Prom

The goal of the GISH Post Prom committee is:

  • to provide our students a safe and positive alternative to private parties
  • to continue a community tradition
  • to ensure the seniors enjoy a marquee event of their high school career

Show Choir Booster Club

Skills USA

Theatre Booster Club

The purpose and objective of the Theater Booster Club shall be:

  • To support the theatre programs of Grand Island Senior High
  • To encourage, foster and promote the interest of parents, students, administration and faculty in the performing arts
  • To provide financial support toward the purchase of needed equipment, supplies and sponsorship for Grand Island Senior High theatre programs, which would not be available otherwise
  • To continually keep students, parents, administration and faculty mindful of the worthiness of active and successful theatre programs
  • To encourage and recognize achievement by students involved in the theatre programs
  • To publicize and promote the high quality of the theatre arts programs of Grand Island Senior High
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