Investing in students so they can thrive and dream big!

Go Big Give - Decade Challenge


Our impact is gauged by how many students we can help through the quality of the many programs and services we offer. These programs thrive thanks to our dedicated staff, compassionate volunteers, and the invaluable support of donors like yourself. Go Big Give is one more resource to provide the opportunity to give and change a student’s life.

Look for the current poll in the Featured section.


Decade Challenge Leader Board:

Updated May 6 at 10:30am

How to earn points:

Facebook vote = 1 point
Facebook comment = 2 points
Go Big Give donation = 3 points
(tell us your vote in the notes section or shoot us a message)



Thank you!

The GIPS Foundation is proud to be participating in the eleventh annual Go Big GIVE, a 24-hour, online giving event to grow philanthropy. Go Big GIVE inspires communities to come together for 24 hours to give as much as possible to support the work of nonprofits in Hall, Hamilton, Howard, and Merrick Counties.

The online giving event is open now until midnight on Thursday, May 2nd. 

Thank you for helping us provide additional opportunities for our 9,990 students to thrive and dream big!