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Legacy Grant

Sheila Lynn Myers Memorial Fund

Sheila Lynn Myers Memorial Fund

From the fall of 1967 until forty-seven years later when her failing health forced her retirement, Sheila Lynn Myers worked as a Walnut secretary. Her family and co-workers knew her as a hardworking and loyal friend with an amazing sense of humor. The students at Walnut knew her as someone who was kind and caring, someone they could turn to when they needed help. Whether it was lunch money, a jacket, or new tennies, Sheila quietly made sure the students received the help they needed.

Because Sheila’s life had never been an easy one, she readily identified with students who found themselves struggling with things for which they had little or no control. During her illness, perhaps more than ever before, Sheila realized the struggles associated with finding the funds for out-of-town medical appointments or covering medical costs that insurance wouldn’t. The Sheila Myers fund is intended to provide a degree of support for students who find themselves struggling to meet health related expenses.

Eligibility and Purpose:

The purpose of the Sheila Lynn Myers Fund within the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation will be to make grants to help students and their families with health related expenses when they cannot afford opportunities or services to meet these needs. Examples of these needs include but are not limited to: prescriptions (when there is a gap in coverage or other circumstances), doctor’s appointments or medical treatments (bills), and travel to medical appointments or treatments outside of the community. The fund is not intended to be a duplication of social service programs.


  1. Requests shall be made using the online Sheila Lynn Myers Fund Request Form.
  2. Students must be attending a school in the Grand Island Public Schools District. As Sheila was an integral part of Walnut Middle School, preference for funds will be given to current, former, and future Walnut Students.
  3. Students must be referred by a GIPS Staff Member and the form must be signed by the building Principal.
  4. The request shall be for health related expenses including but not limited to: prescriptions (when there is a gap in coverage or other circumstances), doctor’s appointments or medical treatments (bills), and travel to medical appointments or treatments outside of the community.
  5. If other scholarships or opportunities exist outside the GIPS Foundation, the student must have made an effort to acquire assistance through those sources prior to applying to the Sheila Lynn Myers Memorial Fund.
  6. Student should qualify for free or reduced lunch.  Note:  This guideline can be waived if the principal/counselor is certain of the student’s inability to pay due to other circumstances.
  7. Requests shall not be made in arrears of the event (to pay back someone or a fund).

Grant Awards:

  1. A Review Committee appointed by the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation Board of Directors will meet as necessary to review requests.
  2. The committee's decision will be final.
  3. Grants will be made payable to institutions, organizations, etc. on behalf of the student.
  4. Grants will not be paid directly to the student.
  5. Once the award is made, the counselor who referred the student must process the request through the Foundation Office for payment, unless otherwise directed by Foundation Staff.
Selection Committee:

A committee approved by the Foundation Board will select the recipients from the requests submitted.

  1. Donations to the Sheila Lynn Myers Memorial Fund will be tax-deductible.
  2. Donations to the Sheila Lynn Myers Memorial Fund may be made at any time by any donor.
  3. Per IRS guidelines, donations to the fund shall be general in nature with no specific designated recipient.
Application Procedure:

Complete the grant application and submit to the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation. Grants will be awarded throughout the year as funds are available.

Sheila Lynn Myers Memorial Fund Application


Student information

Referred by information

Grant Request information

Does the student qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch?


To complete the application for this grant request, your application will be emailed to your principal/supervisor for additional comments. The application and principal/supervisor comments will be forwarded to the grant review committee for approval. Please enter the name and email address for your principal/supervisor below.

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