396 GIPS Teachers and Staff nominated
1,442 submitted nominations!
This program is sponsored by First National Bank.
2023 Teacher of the Year Nominations
*Past winners are highlighted in red
Augusta Beahm
Grand Island Senior High
Opal Bentley
Knickrehm Elementary School
Dan Beran
Kneale Administration Building
Penny Brown
Kneale Administration Building
Julie Bruning
Walnut Middle School
Josue Covarrubias
Barr Middle School
Kate Crowe
Barr Middle School
Robin Dexter
Kneale Administration Building
Joseph Eckerman
Gates Elementary School
Renee Engel
Kneale Administration Building
Whitney Flower
Stolley Park Elementary School
Rod Foley
Walnut Middle School
Caitlin Jensen
Engleman Elementary School
Carrie Kolar
Engleman Elementary School
Charity LaBrie
Seedling Mile Elementary School
Christopher Ladwig
Grand Island Senior High
Kris McMullen
Grand Island Senior High
Michael Persampieri
Walnut Middle School
Amy Richards
O’Connor Learning Center
Gregory Schlegel
Grand Island Senior High
Sheree Stockwell
Jefferson Elementary School
Nichole Stoltenberg
Grand Island Senior High
Selena Valentine
Starr Elementary School
Kayla Wichman
Westridge Middle School
Bradley Wolfe
Westridge Middle School
Elementary School
Christy Acevedo Cabrera
West Lawn Elementary School
Tessa Aldridge
Shoemaker Elementary School
Kyla Alexander
Starr Elementary School
Kelly Allan
Newell Elementary School
Amy Anderson
Howard Elementary School
Ashley Anderson
Jefferson Elementary School
Brandi Anderson
West Lawn Elementary School
Ryan Anderson
West Lawn Elementary School
Bailey Aupperlee
Shoemaker Elementary School
Neil Berger
Wasmer Elementary School
Katie Bishop
Engleman Elementary School
Jocelyn Bloom
Shoemaker Elementary School
Susan Bolan
Lincoln Elementary School
Kristin Briggs
Starr Elementary School
Andrea Brunk
Engleman Elementary School
Marcy Burr
Engleman Elementary School
Kevin Butters
Stolley Park Elementary School
Brenda Carlson
Lincoln Elementary School
Jennifer Carr
Dodge Elementary School
Sadie Carr
West Lawn Elementary School
Michelle Carter
Dodge Elementary School
Brian Caspar
Engleman Elementary School
Morgan Cemper
Shoemaker Elementary School
Trevor Cornelius
Knickrehm Elementary School
Ashley Crear
West Lawn Elementary School
Wendy Cremers
Shoemaker Elementary School
Megan Danner
O’Connor Learning Center
Alyssa Doggett
Engleman Elementary School
Jennifer Dozler
Starr Elementary School
Danielle Dudo
Newell Elementary School
Nathan Dukes
Westridge Middle School
Ashley Dvorak
Dodge Elementary School
Jessica Enck
Lincoln Elementary School
Cheri Felton
Jefferson Elementary School
Kelli Fries
West Lawn Elementary School
Scott Gamblin
Dodge Elementary School
Alexandria Garrett
Engleman Elementary School
Kayla Gibson
Knickrehm Elementary School
Taylor Graves
Engleman Elementary School
Susan Greeley
West Lawn Elementary School
Kendra Harders
Gates Elementary School
Amber High
Engleman Elementary School
Holli Hodson
Jefferson Elementary School
Kayla Hruskoci
Engleman Elementary School
Gwen Hulinsky
Newell Elementary School
Jennifer Hunkins
Knickrehm Elementary School
Kelsey Jasnoch
Engleman Elementary School
Angela Jenness
Knickrehm Elementary School
Tausha Jones
Wasmer Elementary School
Shane Kleier
Gates Elementary School
Marisalynn Koepke
West Lawn Elementary School
Sloane Koerperich
West Lawn Elementary School
Lauren Kolb
West Lawn Elementary School
Jodi Koza
Shoemaker Elementary School
Keo Leiser
Jefferson Elementary School
Rachel Lewandowski
Knickrehm Elementary School
Hannah Luber
Starr Elementary School
Brittany Marr
Engleman Elementary School
Brittney Martin
Stolley Park Elementary School
Julie McCoy
Dodge Elementary School
Mary McDowell
Starr Elementary School
Jeremy McFarland
Starr Elementary School
Margaret McManaman
O’Connor Learning Center
Sandra Meyer
Stolley Park Elementary School
Valerie Moline
Seedling Mile Elementary School
Tracy Morrow
West Lawn Elementary School
Lindsey Moss
Engleman Elementary School
Amelia Mustion
Seedling Mile Elementary School
Jacey Myers
West Lawn Elementary School
Jennifer Nelson
Gates Elementary School
Tracy Nelson
Engleman Elementary School
Amber Northup
Engleman Elementary School
Amber O’Hara
Wasmer Elementary School
Nicole O’Hara
Wasmer Elementary School
Gloria Parr
Shoemaker Elementary School
Lauren Peitzmeier
Stolley Park Elementary School
Angela Pierce
Seedling Mile Elementary School
Tiffany Pracht
Shoemaker Elementary School
Sheila Quintana
Starr Elementary School
Melessia Rice
Dodge Elementary School
Breanna Rose
O’Connor Learning Center
Vandee Samelson
Dodge Elementary School
Tonia Schmall
Starr Elementary School
Beth Schuler
Starr Elementary School
Jennifer Shafer-Ehlers
Engleman Elementary School
Clint Simmons
West Lawn Elementary School
Dara Sindelar
Howard Elementary School
Haleigh Smith
Shoemaker Elementary School
Megan Soden
Dodge Elementary School
Abigail Spiehs
Engleman Elementary School
Danita Stanton
O’Connor Learning Center
Arik Streck
Shoemaker Elementary School
Zoe Streck
Starr Elementary School
Caitlin Stump
Stolley Park Elementary School
Luke Sutherland
West Lawn Elementary School
Nancy Sutherland
Knickrehm Elementary School
Aleta Thomas
Stolley Park Elementary School
Kari Thornton
Engleman Elementary School
Shayla Tibbetts
Engleman Elementary School
Anna Torres
Howard Elementary School
Leah Townsend
Dodge Elementary School
Jill Turek
Dodge Elementary School
Melissa Umstead
Howard Elementary School
Kelly Usrey
Engleman Elementary School
Johanna Vance
Newell Elementary School
Alison Vincent
Dodge Elementary School
Debra Vitera
Dodge Elementary School
Kaitlin Warner
Dodge Elementary School
Scott Wentling
Wasmer Elementary School
Brooke Wentzlaff
Dodge Elementary School
Morgan Wheeler
Stolley Park Elementary/Barr
David White
Shoemaker Elementary School
Jocelyn Wittrock
Gates Elementary School
Sarah Wolf
Seedling Mile Elementary School
Middle School
Chad Ackerson
Westridge Middle School
Angel Alberti
Barr Middle School
Jesse Arends
Walnut Middle School
Demi Arres
Westridge Middle School
Teresa Baumert
Barr Middle School
Kyle Beaman
Walnut Middle School
Lacy Biberos
Barr Middle School
Lauren Bokowski
Westridge Middle School
Jared Bombeck
Westridge Middle School
Jocelyn Boyer
Westridge Middle School
Barry Carlson
Westridge Middle School
Jordan Clancy
Westridge Middle School
Amber Clausen
Westridge Middle School
Everardo Corona
Westridge Middle School
Nicole Dietz
Walnut Middle School
Christina Dubbs
Walnut Middle School
Steven Dunham
Barr Middle School
Sara Erickson
Westridge Middle School
Desere Erpenbach
Walnut Middle School
Irene Falldorf
Barr Middle School
Kathryn Feezell
Walnut Middle School
Lacey Follmer
Westridge Middle School
Justin Groth
Westridge Middle School
Brian Harpham
Barr Middle School
Russell Harvey
Walnut Middle School
Justice Hatfield
Barr Middle School
Zachary Hawkins
Westridge Middle School
Brent Heikes
Walnut Middle School
Taylar Heinemann
Westridge Middle School
Grant Hiebner
Westridge Middle School
Heidi Hiebner
Westridge Middle School
Timber Huynh
Westridge Middle School
Kelsey Johnson
Westridge Middle School
Katie Keasling
Barr Middle School
Nicole Kelsey
Westridge Middle School
Kelsey King
Westridge Middle School
Jennifer Kipper
Barr Middle School
Peter Kok
Walnut Middle School
Jennifer Kramer
Westridge Middle School
Nichole Kraus
Walnut Middle School
Eon Lemburg
Walnut Middle School
Pamela Little
Westridge Middle School
Holly Love
Walnut Middle School
Kimberly Luthy
Walnut Middle School
Tyler Madison
Walnut Middle School
Season Mellema
Walnut Middle School
Ashley Meyer
Westridge Middle School
Kyle Nabity
Westridge Middle School
Brenda Nash
Westridge Middle School
Kay Niebuhr
Walnut Middle School
Betsy Olson
Westridge Middle School
Kellie O’Neill
Walnut Middle School
Holly Ortega
Barr Middle School
Ellie Petersen
Westridge Middle School
Laurie Peterson
Walnut Middle School
Jessica Phinney
Walnut Middle School
Hannah Pogue
Westridge Middle School
Michele Putnam
Walnut Middle School
Jill Rainforth
Walnut Middle School
Jessica Rios-Alvarado
Walnut Middle School
Shannon Ripp
Barr Middle School
Marla Rischling
Westridge Middle School
Julie Sackschewsky
Westridge Middle School
Zachary Saner
Westridge Middle School
Tina Sawyers
Barr Middle School
Kane Schmall
Westridge Middle School
Hannah Schmidt
Barr Middle School
Amy Schneider
All Middle Schools
Andrew Schneider
All Middle Schools
John Schultz
All Middle Schools
Reid Schultz
Walnut Middle School
Taeller Schultz
Walnut Middle School
Melissa Sears
Walnut Middle School
Faviola Seiler
Walnut Middle School
Andrea Simpson
Walnut Middle School
Megan Slough
Walnut Middle School
Sheri Smith
Westridge Middle School
Jessica Snoberger
Barr Middle School
Jessica Stephens
Westridge Middle School
Kirk Stutzman
Westridge Middle School
Teague Sutherland
Walnut Middle School
Stacy Sybrandts
Westridge Middle School
Makenna Taylor
Westridge Middle School
Chelsea Turek
Westridge Middle School
Heather Walsh
Westridge Middle School
Mindy Weaver
Westridge Middle School
Katelyn Weseman
Walnut Middle School
Leslie Westover
Walnut Middle School
Cody Wheeler
Westridge Middle School
Amber Wissing
Walnut Middle School
Jessa Yager
Barr Middle School
Kelly Zeckser
Walnut Middle School
Kathryn Zeller
Westridge Middle School
Quentin Zeller
All Middle Schools
High School
John Adams
Grand Island Senior High
Amy Almquist
Grand Island Senior High
Melissa Anderson
Grand Island Senior High
Tara Baker
Grand Island Senior High
Grant Boyer
Grand Island Senior High
Elizabeth Butters
Grand Island Senior High
Sally Carter
Grand Island Senior High
Heather Caspersen
Grand Island Senior High
Damian Causgrove
Grand Island Senior High
Kaylee Cellar
Grand Island Senior High
Paul Cloutier
Grand Island Senior High
April Dickerson
Grand Island Senior High
Patrick Doyle
Grand Island Senior High
Mark Edge
Grand Island Senior High
Corinne Ellerson
Grand Island Senior High
Thera Fisk
Grand Island Senior High
Montie Fyfe
Grand Island Senior High
Emily Geweke
Grand Island Senior High
Clarissa Gillham
Grand Island Senior High
Justin Goodwin
Grand Island Senior High
Joseph Grenier
Grand Island Senior High
Patrick Gunther
Grand Island Senior High
Sammantha Hanks
Grand Island Senior High
Patrick Harder
Grand Island Senior High
Eric Hartel
Grand Island Senior High
Jessica Hekrdle
Grand Island Senior High
Lindsey Hiers
Grand Island Senior High
Jeffery Hofeldt
Grand Island Senior High
Chris Holton
Grand Island Senior High
Denise Howie
Grand Island Senior High
Bobby Jacobs
Grand Island Senior High
John Jacobs
Grand Island Senior High
Vincent Jodoin
Grand Island Senior High
Alex Kemnitz
Grand Island Senior High
Christine Kier
Grand Island Senior High
Richard Kissack
Grand Island Senior High
Haley Koeppe
Grand Island Senior High
Matthew Kosch
Grand Island Senior High
Jonathan Kubicka
Grand Island Senior High
Jesse LaBrie
Grand Island Senior High
Judy Lorenzen
Grand Island Senior High
Wendy Louder
Grand Island Senior High
Michael Lowe
Grand Island Senior High
Emily McPherson
Grand Island Senior High
Shawna Montgomery
Grand Island Senior High
Jacob Myers
Grand Island Senior High
Kenton Naylor
Grand Island Senior High
Lance Nelson
Grand Island Senior High
Hien Nguyen
Grand Island Senior High
Micki Nuss
Grand Island Senior High
Paula Poppe
Grand Island Senior High
Teri Rech
Grand Island Senior High
Michael Samuelson
Grand Island Senior High
Lauren Schumacher
Grand Island Senior High
Ashley Shultz
Grand Island Senior High
Matthew Shultz
Grand Island Senior High
Jeremiah Slough
Grand Island Senior High
Megan Stone
Grand Island Senior High
Jeffery Tomlin
Grand Island Senior High
Marci Veach
Grand Island Senior High
Christopher Walkemeyer
Grand Island Senior High
Kevin Watson
Grand Island Senior High
Jessica Whitmire
Grand Island Senior High
Adam Zlomke
Grand Island Senior High
Staff Members
Suzanne Amerson
Walnut Middle School
Kara Arrants
Walnut Middle School
Katherine Beran
West Lawn Elementary School
Anne Berger
Dodge Elementary School
Michelle Billington
Seedling Mile Elementary School
Cari Binfield
Lincoln Elementary School
Stephanie Bockmann
Stolley Park Elementary School
Jerome Boltz
Stolley Park Elementary School
Tracy Bright
Engleman Elementary School
Kellie Brittain
Dodge Elementary School
Tirso Candray
Grand Island Senior High
Jody Clark
Seedling Mile Elementary School
Elizabeth Cortes
O’Connor Learning Center
Alexis Dahlke
Westridge Middle School
Roger Fisher
Starr Elementary School
Melissa Franzen
Barr Middle School
Kenia Fregoso
Starr Elementary School
Suzann Gannon
Kneale Administration Building
Teri Gentleman
Starr Elementary School
Gabriela Gonzalez
Welcome Center
Alan Hayman
Grand Island Senior High
Mark Hemmer
Westridge Middle School
Marisela Hernandez
Grand Island Senior High
Yaquelin Juarez
Walnut Middle School
Mary Kirchner
Westridge Middle School
Sharon Kruse
Kneale Administration Building
Ashley Kuck
Walnut Middle School
Melinda Lavalleur
Dodge Elementary School
Mary Marlatt
West Lawn Elementary School
Gregory Massing
Walnut Middle School
Ashlee Mayhue
Special Education
Heather Medrano
Engleman Elementary School
Breonna Meister
Westridge Middle School
Kenneth Meyer
Knickrehm Elementary School
Kayley Michalski
Dodge Elementary School
Makayla Morris
Stolley Park Elementary School
Diana Paramo Ortiz
Starr Elementary School
Laura Payton
Starr Elementary School
Melissa Perea
West Lawn Elementary School
Danielle Quick
Shoemaker Elementary School
Odguar Quintana
Walnut Middle School
Carey Reilly
Seedling Mile Elementary School
Debbie Ritchie
Gates Elementary School
Angel Rojas-Acevedo
West Lawn Elementary School
Sheila Rosas
Knickrehm Elementary School
Tyler Saldecki
West Lawn Elementary School
Frances Sandoval
Stolley Park Elementary School
Kristen Schwarz
Knickrehm Elementary School
Matthew Smith
West Lawn Elementary School
Mollie Steinkamp
Shoemaker Elementary School
Alicia Stifter
Dodge Elementary School
Jesse Strinz
Walnut Middle School
Pamela Stubblefield
O’Connor Learning Center
Susan Stuhr
Kneale Administration Building
Micheal Thompson
Stolley Park Elementary School
Heather Thornton
Jefferson Elementary School
Michael Tubbs
West Lawn Elementary School
Patricia Vega
Engleman Elementary School
Melissa Wetovick
Kneale Administration Building
Rachel Williams
Jefferson Elementary School
Rochelle Anderson
Wasmer Elementary School
Emily Armstrong
West Lawn Elementary School
Jami Barrientos
Walnut Middle School
Sara Bowley
Walnut Middle School
Shane Campbell
Walnut Middle School
Valerie Chmelka
Dodge Elementary School
Claudia Demko Reno
Westridge Middle School
Dawn Deuel-Rutt
Success Academy
Sarah Dramse
West Lawn Elementary School
Rebecca Duran Meyer
West Lawn Elementary School
Jami Dutcher
O’Connor Learning Center
Molly Elge
Walnut Middle School
Shane Fernau
Walnut Middle School
Jenifer Fischer
Westridge/Stolley Park
Kayla Geiger
Westridge Middle School
Anabel Gonzalez
West Lawn Elementary School
Sarah Grigsby
West Lawn Elementary School
Jessica Gutierrez
Westridge Middle School
Jaynie Hawkins
Walnut Middle School
Rita Hernandez
Westridge Middle School
Chandra Kosmicki
Engleman Elementary School
Whitney Kuhn
Starr Elementary School
Kim Madison
Walnut Middle School
Julie Markvicka
Grand Island Senior High
Benjamin Marten
Walnut Middle School
Jacob Morrow
Westridge Middle School
Chandra Myers
West Lawn Elementary School
Katie Schroder
West Lawn Elementary School
Kristin Schultz
Lincoln Elementary School
Carrie Sheldon
Barr Middle School
Sally Smith
Wasmer Elementary School
Michelle Thorne
Wasmer Elementary School
Tracey Trampe
Dodge Elementary School
Mindy Ulmer
Grand Island Senior High
Kahsi Velasquez
All Elementary Schools
Stacy Vogel
Westridge Middle School
Teresita Westover
Howard Elementary School
Carlynn Williams
Barr Middle School
David Woods
Grand Island Senior High