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Stadium Articles

Grand Island Memorial Stadium

OCTOBER 19, 2018

Grand Island Memorial Stadium

Original 1945-47 Memorial Stadium Campaign materials

How it all began...

The 1945-47 Memorial Stadium Campaign included these 1,600 community donors

A community comes together

In early 1945, a group of business men were having coffee at the Yancey Hotel. “Grand Island could use a good football stadium,” remarked one business man. The response was, “Why not go after one?”  This led to a series of events with the American Legion taking up the charge to raise funds to build a stadium.

The project would bring the community together to raise a little more than $100,000 and build the stately East side of Memorial Stadium. The School District sold Ryder Park to the City of Grand Island and used the proceeds towards the project.

The Grand Island Daily Independent made the lead gift of $5,000, which was matched by the Liederkranz.

By September of 1947 after the initial drive and the final push the American Legion had raised $103,000 from 1,520 individuals, businesses, and organizations. Even school children had given to the drive. Some donors gave twice, giving to both the initial campaign drive and the final push bringing the total gift count to 1,644 entries.

The original donor list was never printed in its entirety. We aim to correct that now. What follows is an alphabetized list of the original donors that built Grand Island’s Memorial Stadium 71 years ago.

This is our Memorial Stadium.

This is our Grand Legacy.

What we learned from this incredible list is that Grand Island rolled up her sleeves and everyone participated in building this community asset. We have the opportunity to do this again!

Our Memorial Stadium is in need of modern upgrades to seating and infrastructure so that it may be an asset to our community for another seventy years. The Grand Island Public Schools Foundation has kicked off a $17 million capital campaign to meet this need. The campaign includes a lead gift of $10 million from 1964 alum Lanny Martin, an investment of $2 million from the school district, and a community campaign to raise the additional $5 million.

We hope YOU will help us give our community
home field advantage again.

Our volunteers have started making calls. It is Our Memorial Stadium, Our Grand Legacy. And, it will take all of us just as it did in 1947.


Campaign co-chairs:

Jeff and Jane Richardson
GISH Class of 1983, Campaign Co-Chairs

Jim and Maureen Kahrhoff
GISH Class of 1960 & GICC Class of 1960, Campaign Co-Chairs

Tom and Holly Rathman
GISH Class of 1981, Honorary Campaign Chairs


List of original donors to the 1945-47 Memorial Stadium Campaign

A Friend
Harold Abley
Mrs. & Mrs. Bert J. Ackerman
Laura Adair & Helen Henrichs
Dr. Charles Adams
Otto Albertson
Dave Alexander
Alexander Furniture Co.
James Alexander
Joan Alexander
Ruth Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. G. L. Alkire
All Star Ball Game
Fred Alpers
Mrs. Esther Amende
American Legion Auxiliary
American Legion Grand Island Post #53
Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Alton Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Anderson
Harry Anderson - Cornhusker Cafe
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin C. Anderson
Mrs. Sarah Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Applegate
Mr. Louis Arends
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Armatis
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Armstrong
Arno & Bill’s Super Service
Jennie B. Arno
Alberta Arp
Dr. & Mrs. W. J. Arrasmith
B. W. Atwater
Gayle Ault
Maurice Ault
Mr. Charles Avila
Mr. Theodore Avila
Olivia Aye
Ayes Market

B. & G. Auto Co.
B. & M. Service Station
Mr. Harry Baasch
Fred Babel
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Babel
Wilbur Bachman
W. J. Bacon
Edward Bader
Ellen Bader
Maxine Baede
Jack Bailey’s Studio
F. G. Baker
Bakery & Confectionery Workers
Clyde Baldwin
Fred G. Baldwin
Keith Ball
Mrs. E. C. Ballard
Barbers’ Union
H. E. Barnes
Barr Jr. High School
Barr Jr. High School Grad Class 9th Grade
Bartenbach Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W. Bartenbach
Mrs. Henry Bartenbach, Mr. & Mrs. George Bartenbach, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Connell, & Mrs. Arthur Beer
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Bartholemew
Base Ball Headquarters
Mrs. Jane Bastian
Mr. Geo. Bate
Harold Bates
Mr. Ed L. Batie
Mary Bauer
Raymond Baxter
Jack Beachler
Alice Beat
Bertha Becker
Matilda Becker
Becks Tavern
Mr. Henry Behrens, Benice, Calif.
Mr. & Mrs. John Behrens
Mrs. John Behrens Jr., Whitestone, N.Y.
Ray R. Beker
Lloyd Beliel
Mrs. O. G. Bell
Harold Belshline
Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks
Mr. & Mrs. Axel V. Benson
Maggie Benson
Mr. Oscar Berg
Earl L. Berger - Knickrehm’s
Lloyd Berry
Martin Berstler
J. Bierbower
Mr. W. E. Billington
Bill’s Trading Post
Dr. & Mrs. E. E. Bilon
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bish
Bish Machinery Co.
Mr. Julius Bishop
Jim Bixenman
Mary Bixenmann
Mrs. Eliza Black
L. C. Black
Louis Black
Mrs. Rose Black
A. F. Blackburn Jr.
Mary Jane Blake
Wilbert Blanco
Earl E. Bloomenrader
Lillie M. Boath
Mr. R. W. Bock
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Bockhahn
Boehl & Kranz
Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Boehm
Tom Bogt
Mary Bohart
Miss Edna M. Bohn
W. C. Boldt
Mrs. Elda Bolster
Vera Boltz
S. C. Bordeau
Charles Bossert
Mrs. James Bost
C. R. Bottger
A. L. Bottorff
William Boucher
Bowen Drug Co.
Mr. Frank Bowen
W. L. Bowman - Bowman’s Grocery
Mrs. Ruth Boyd
Ruth Boyden
Tom Boyle
Arthur L. Boyll
Mrs. Dewey Bozell
Elizabeth Brandon
Martha Brandon
Homer Branting
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Braune
Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Brayton
A. Bredomeier
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Bredthauer
Nlrtis Breg
Lois Brick
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Brink
William Brink
Glenn Brittin
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Broekemeier
John Brohm
Ed Brosseau
Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America
Alma Brown
C. E. Brown Auto Supply
Connie Brown
Mrs. Cora Brown
Dora Brown
Eleanor Brown
Brown Fruit Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Brown
H. T. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. M. C. Brown
Brown-McDonald Dept. Store
N. Milton Brown
Mrs. Robert Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Brumbaugh
Quentin J. Brumbaugh
Eleanore Brune
Beth Brunkemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Buchfinck & Velma Buchfinck
Mrs. James Buck
Doris Buckles
Herman F. Buckow
Bud’s Tavern
A. F. Buechler
Frank Buell
Richard Buenz
Maxine J. Bunner
E. E. Burd
C. W. Burdick
Clarence Burdick
Mrs. Josephine Burgess
Mrs. Marian Burkhart
E. R. Burroughs
Carol Burst
R. H. Burton
Bus Line Shoe Shop
Grant Buxton
Byrnes Beverage Co.

Ed Calhoun
California Cafe
William E. Callihan
Geo. J. Camaras, H. A. 2/c
Florence Campbell
Lafe Campbell
Betty Canfield
Capitol Grocery
M. B. Carey
Mr. L. E. Carlson
Susie Carman
Carmen’s Cafe
Carpenter Paper Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carpenter
Dr. & Mrs. L. A. Cates
Cates Re-Cap & Vulcanizing
W. L. Catlett
Central Chevrolet Co.
Central Cigar Store
Central Distributing Co.
Central Electric Co.
Mrs. Ray Chamberlain
Chapman Farm Equipment Co.
Nannie Chapman
Mrs. A. R. Cheatum
Cheskchamay & Odaka Camp Fire Girls
Mrs. F. C. Chew
Chicago Lumber Co.
Chris’ Texaco Service
A. C. Christensen
Christensen Concrete
Mr. & Mrs. E. Christensen
Marie Christensen
Mr. S. Christensen
Veda Christensen
City Club Beverage Co.
City of Grand Island Sale of Ryder Park
Mrs. Stellamarie Clair
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Clampitt
Mr. Everett A. Clanton
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Clark
Joan Clark
Stuart Clasman
Mr. Paul A. Claus
John Claussen & Sons
John D. Clayton
Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Clayton
Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Cline
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Mr. Elmer C. Cochran
Mrs. W. R. Cochran
Fern Cole
Virgil Cole
Mr. & Mrs. David Colton
Mr. F. H. Colwall
Commercial National Bank
A. D. Cone
Art Cone Jr.
Ashley W. Conger
Construction & General Lab. Un.
Bonnie Conyers
Vera Coons
Copple’s Tavern
Corner Tavern
Cornhusker Cafe
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Costello
Ray Cottingham
Ruth Cottingham
Mr. & Mrs. George Coulter
Orin Countryman
Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Cowton
Alta Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Verne Crabtree
Mr. & Mrs. Chad C. Crawford
Teresa Crawford
Mr. Edmund P. Crick
Clinton Cronin
Crystal Cleaners
B. J. Cunningham
Eldon P. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. R. Cunningham
Mrs. Emma Cutler
Mr. Harry Czarnik

Donna Daberkow
Delma Dahlman
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dalgas
Rev. Dalton
Darling Company
Oliver Davidson - Davidson’s
R. Davidson
Althea Davis
Hattie Davis
Marilyene Davis
Ralph E. Davis
Davis School Service, Lincoln, Neb.
Beverly Dawson
E. R. Dean
Berl Deardorff
Stover Deats
Dorothea Dehning
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Delahoyde
Elrod Dells
Del-Rio Cafe
Dr. & Mrs. Geo. DeMay
Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Denman
Francis Dennhart
Mr. Hm. W. Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. M. G. Detweler - Starr Super Market
Marty DeVore
Diamond Engineering Co.
Dick Bros. Co. Inc.
Marie Dick
Henry Diedrich
Diers Motor Co.
Carl Dieterichs
Dieters Motor Co. Employees
Theona Dillon
B. J. Dingwerth
Ditter’s Grocery
Mr. & Mrs. John Ditter
Emma Dittman
Mr. M. C. Dittman
Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Dobbs
James R. Dobbs
Dr. Pepper Bottling Co.
Mrs. Gertrude Dodd
Dodge School
The Donald Co.
Mrs. Roma Donald
C. E. Donnelly
L. M. Dorey
B. F. Douthit & Family
E. C. Douthit
Frank Dowd
Dr. & Mrs. H. J. Dowd
B. Drew
Adam Dubas - Army Goods Store
Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Dudey
Max Dudgeon
Allen Dunn
Christine Dunn
Leonard Dunn
Bob Dwyer

Mrs. C. L. Eamons
Bill & Fern Eatherten
Mrs. Nettie Eaton
Mr. Herman Eberl
Mr. Joe Eberl
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Eck
Mrs. Edna L. Eckhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Edward
Mrs. Inez Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Eggers
Ehler’s Grocery
Wilber Ehlers
Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Ehrsan
Freeman Eisenbise
Eleventh St. Grocery
Sam Ella
John Ellis
Ellsworth Florists
Art Ely
H. A. Emerick
Lewis Emery
Emery Music Machine Co.
Harry Ender
Darold Eriksen
Walter Ernst
Florence Etting
Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Eudd
Agnes Eusden
Margaret Eusden
Harry Evans
W. D. Exstrum

F. W. Woolworth Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Fair
Fairacres Dairy
The Fairmont Creamery Co.
Vesta Falldorf
Mr. & Mrs. F. G. Falmlen
Farmers Union Coop.
Dr. & Mrs. E. E. Farnsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Farrell
Mr. Walter Farrow
Marion Fauquier
Lt. Willie C. Fay
Mrs. Hazel Fehrenkamp
Ray Feirfeit
Don Fenster
Emil Fenster
Fester Barker Shop
Erwin E. Fiedler
Irvin Fierstein
Howard J. Finley
First National Bank
Charles Firth
Mr. & Mrs. D. H. Fishburn
Fisher City Grocery
Mrs. Emma Flaugher
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Fletcher
Flower Evans Co.
Henry Forbis
Paul Forbis
H. L. Foreman
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Foster
Fraen’s Phillips 66
J. R. Frame
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Francis
Adelle L. Francisco
Mattie Frank
Mr. W. E. Frank
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Fraun Service Co.
Florence Frederickson
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frederking
Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Fredrickson
Walter Freeland
Art Freeman
G. Freeman
Mr. Leo Freye
Jay Friederich
Hattie Froelich
H. G. Frost
Ray Frye
Nancy Fuerstenau
Mr. & Mrs. Jos. R. Fulton
Mr. R. J. Furniss

G. C. Ordnance Corporation
G. I. Auto Parts
G. I. Council No. 134, U. C. T.
G. I. Plumbing Co.
G. I. Senior High School
G. I. Senior High School Athletic Board
G. I. Senior High School Faculty & Student Council
G. I. Senior High School Paper Drive
G. I. Senior High School Student Council
G. I. Senior High School Tag Day
G. I. Sports Shop
Dale Ganst
Stanley B. Garris
Mrs. Gertrude Gass
William T. Gate
Mr. & Mrs. D. R. Gates
Mr. R. S. Gaylord
Geddes Funeral Home
Lawrence Geddes
The Geer Co.
Effie Geer
Geer-Maurer Construction Co.
W. C. Gehringer
W. B. Geil
L. G. Gerdes
Gestring’s Drug Store
L. G. Geyette
Al. L. Gibson
Mr. Fred Giese
Sgt. George Giese
Mrs. Helen Giese
Joe Gifford
Fred L. Gillet
Clifford Giou
Mr. & Mrs. B. E. Gjalsteen
Catharine Glade
Mrs. Dixie H. Glade
Glade Service
Henry Gleason
Mrs. Alice Glines
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Glines
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Glover
Glzed Do-Nut Co.
Rev. Joseph Godlewski
Rev. C. H. Goeder
Gollaher’s Hardware & Furniture
Helen M. Gorder
Mr. M. Gorham
Gorman’s Men’s Wear
Gorman’s Men’s Wear, G. Lawrence Gorman & Ted Cicchon
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gosda
Mrs. Emma Gosda
Rev. & Mrs. O. A. Graebner
Marie L. Graham
Grand Island Aux. Police
Grand Island Baking Co.
Grand Island Hardware Co.
Grand Island Independent
Grand Island-Kearney Football Game
Grand Island Leather Co.
Grand Island Lions Club Thanksgiving Football Game
Grand Island Lodge 22, IOOF
Grand Island Model Laundry
Grand Island Rendering Co.
Grand Island Traveling Men’s Assn.
Grand Island Trust Co.
Grand Island Woman’s Club
Grant Western Auto Parts
Alta Grasmick
A. E. Green
Harold Green - Green Body Shop
Sam Greenberger
Anna Mae Gregory
Vivian Gregory
Laura Greier
James Griffen
Martin Grotz
The Growlers
Richard Guendal
Mrs. Helen Guinn
Doris Gulzow
Howard Gulzow
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. N. Gulzow
Robert Gustin
Loraine Gutschow

H. & H. Liquor Store
H. & W. Food Stores
John Haack
George Haagensen
H. C. Hackman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Haggart
Jim Haggart
Hainline Super Service
C. A. Hald
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Hald
Marjoei Hald
Mrs. Bertha Hale
Mrs. Dortha Hall
Lloyd Hall
The Hallstead Press
Bonnie Halstead
Mrs. Nancy Hamilton
Hancock Garage
Herbert H. Hann
B. Maurice Hansen
C. F. Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Hansen
H. P. Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hansen
Wilford Hansen
J. J. Hare
Mrs. Clara Harold
Oscar Harris
Harrison-Martin Lumber Co.
Mrs. Bertha Harry
C. A. Harry
Wm. J. Harry
Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Hartley
Mr. & Mrs. Co. Hartley
A. P. Harvey
Mr. Geo. Hassel
Carl Hasselman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hasselmann
Edna M. Hatcher
Evelyn Hatcher
Gussie Hatchison
Mrs. Leta Hatten
Geraldine Hauck
C. A. Hayden
Wick Heath
Mr. & Mrs. C. V. Heaton
Mrs. Mary Heffner
The Hehnke Lohmann Co.
Helping Hand Group
Helen Hendrichs
Frank Heninger
Art Henne
Herb’s I.G.A.
Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Herman
M. E. Hershaun
Ralph Hertley
J. D. Herzog
Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Heslander
Hested Store
Mr. O. O. Hettrich
Hannicher Hickerson
Mr. Ben Hiett
Mrs. Myrtle Higby
Ray M. Higgins
Mary Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Hight
Jessica Hikey
Dorlene Hildebrand
Helen Hinrichs
Dan L. Hintz
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hintz
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hitchler
Hitchler’s Tavern
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hoagland
John, Tommy, Den Hoeft
Hoffman Collection Service
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. H. Hohnstein
Mr. & Mrs. Dent Holcomb
Alice Holley
Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Holling
Virginia J. Holm
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Holmberg
Mr. Louis A. Holmes
Hans J. Holst
Dr. & Mrs. W. H. Hombach
Home Finance Corp
Mrs. Louis A. Homes, Sonna Lou & Larie W.
Mr. A. D. Horn
Hornady Sporting Goods
Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Horrigan
Mrs. R. R. Horth
Bert Hoss
Dr. & Mrs. L. R. Houlette
Alice & Minnie Houser
H. F. Howe
Mrs. Arthur F. Howell
Rev. & Mrs. Wm. Hubbard
Hub’s Billiard Parlor
Addie Huesner
Clara Huesner
Laura Huesner
Dorothy Hughes
George A. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. W. O. Hughes
Mrs. & Mrs. E. F. Humpal
Most Rev. Edward J. Hunkler
Mr. Charles L. Hurst
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Huston
Edward Huwaldt
Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Huxford
Orland T. Huyck

Ideal Cleaners
Sarah Ingram
Ronald N. Inkeles
F. E. Inks
Interstate Transfer Co.
Iowa Master Breeders
Island Supply Co.
Mrs. C. E. Ivers

J. C. Penney Co.
J. H. Yost Lumber Co.
Jack & Jill Food Market
George Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. M. W. Jacobsen
Elmer Jacobson
H. J. Jacoby
Mrs. A. A. Jaeke
Mr. Bert James
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis James
Mr. Peter James
Mr. Nick Jamson
Ted Jamson
Mrs. Clara M. Janes
Floyd Jarman
Mr. Arch Jarrell
Arch W. Jarrell
Mary Jarrell
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Jarvis
Mr. Harry L. Jensen
Irene Jensen
Leonard Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Soren K. Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Jenson
Vernie Jeratowski
Arch W. Jerrell
Valera Jess
Jessee’s Baking Co.
Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Jessee
Jessen’s Pharmacy
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton E. John
Mr. Albert Johnson
Dr. Earl Johnson
Dr. Earle G. Johnson
James C. Johnson
John Johnson
Lloyd Johnson
Mae Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Marie Johnson
Mrs. Mary Johnson
Mrs. Clara Jones
Jones Drug Co.
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Jones
Mrs. Lillian Jones
Herman R. Jungclaus
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Jungles
Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Justice

K.M.M.J. Inc.
K.M.M.J. Radio Station
Dr. & Mrs. R. W. Kahman
Isidor Kahn
Gustav Kaiser
Kallas Grocery
Victor A. Kaminski
O. Kamps
George Katrouzos
Kaufmann’s Employees
Dorothy Kaumans
Rev. Leo Keating
Mr. & Mrs. Geo. F. Keggin
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Kehm
Henry Kehm
Lois Kelch
Mrs. Lillian Keller
Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. H. N. Kelley
Howard N. Kelley
Lloyd Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Kelly Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Kelly Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Kelly
W. L. Kelly, Alda, Neb.
Betty Kelse
Art Kelsey
W. J. Kelso
Eldon Kemp
Frank Kemper
Mr. & Mrs. Jot Kenworthy
Kernan Shoe Co.
Mr. & Mrs. H. V. Kingdon
Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Kinman
Mr. & Mrs. T. F. Kinman
John Kip
Leila Kirkpatrick
Virginia Kirkpatrick
Mr. & Mrs Lloyd C. Kissel
Kiwanis Club
Minnie Klebba
Mr. Samuel Klein
Carl Knickrehm
Mrs. Elise Knickrehm
John Knickrehm
Louise Knickrehm
Margaret Knickrehm
Mr. Ward E. Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Knowles
Kenneth Koch
Mr. Robert Koch
Doloree Koehler
Koehn & Sigman Service
Leona Koenigsman
Louis J. Kohl
Marjorie Kohtz
Chas. Kokrda
Gladys Kolbo
Glen Kolbo
Margaret Kozal
Ray A. Kozal
Charlotte Krall
Mr. Ed Krall
R. A. Krall
Henry Kranning Jr.
The Krause Company
Ernest A. Krehmke
Krehmke Market
Mrs. Helen Krieger
Isabel Kreiger
Christine Kroeger
Judge & Mrs. E. G. Kroger
Mrs. Kroyer’s Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Ruby Krueger
P. R. Kruger
John Krupski
Mr. August Kruse
Mr. Rudolph Kruse
Katherne Kuehner
Fred Kuhlman
O. Ann Kunel
Kunze Hardware
Betty J. Kurse
Tresa Kurth

L. & V. Furnace Co.
L. L. Coryell & Son
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lagsding
Mr. & Mrs. B. L. Lamb
Mrs. Ada Lambert
Shirley Lange
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Lanigan
R. Lannin
Mrs. Russell Larrison
C. F. Larsen
Earl Larson
Earl K. Larson
Grace Lathen
Mrs. Lureene Lauer
Dr. & Mrs. L. M. Launer
Mary Launer
Walter P. Lauritsen
Lawlor’s Sports Equipment
Mrs. Jennie Lawrence
Mr. Geo. Lebar
Mr. Albert A. Lechner
E. W. Lechner
John F. Lechner
Joseph Lederle
Ira Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. S. P. Lee
C. D. Lemmon
Jennie Lemmons
Dr. & Mrs. Geo. Leschinsky
Leschinsky Studio - Lumbard Bros.
Earl Lessig
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lessig
Miss Viola Lessig
Robert Lester
Alphe N. Levene
Marjorie Lewis
Lewis Tire Service Co.
Mr. Adolph Liebsack
Arlene Liebsack
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Liebsack
Henry Liebsack Jr.
Liederkranz Ladies Club
Liederkranz Society
Chester C. Linder
Chester Lindgren
Ernest Lindgren
Mrs. Clara Lindley
John W. Lindsay Co.
W. J. Lint
Lions-Ashleys Shortcuts
Lions Club
Lions Club & Elks Ball Game
Lions-Kiwanis Softball Game
P. C. Lippert
Donald Lockwood
H. J. Loeffelbein
W. H. Loescher
Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Lohmann
Lone Pine Service
L. E. Long
Virginia Long
Losey Sign System
Emil Lucht
Arthur Ludington
Ollie Ludvik
Lorna Luebbe
A. J. Luebs
Mr. Hans Lueth
Tom Lunch
Mrs. Anna Lundell
Mrs. Hannah Lundgren
Mrs. George M. Lundquist
Luth’s Tavern
Mr. D. F. Lutzmeier
Lykke Clothing Co.
Roy C. Lykke
Harry Lyons
Lyon’s Women’s Relief Corp
H. E. Lysinder - Rapid Film Service

Mr. Donald Machaz
Mr. John Machaz
Mac’s Coffee Shop
William A. Maddaz
E. H. Magdanz
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Maggiore
Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Mahoney
Mike Mahoney
Maiwald Market
H. Major
Harold Mangelsen
Alice Manners
Kenneth Marler
Mrs. Florence Marlette
Mrs. Rex E. Marsh
Dr. R. D. Martin
Mr. R. D. Martin
Otto Martins
Mr. & Mrs. A. T. Martinson
Ross Martinson
Ora Masters
Anne Mathiesen
Helen Mattke
Mr. Otto Mattke
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Mattox
Maxine’s Beauty Shop
Mrs. Viola May
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Mayer
Maytag Sales & Service
John F. McCarthy
Mrs. Lena McCormick
W. M. McCoy
Dr. K. F. McDermott
Mrs. Alice McDonald
Charles McElroy
Francis E. McElroy
Mr. & Mrs. L. C. McFarland
Dr. & Mrs. W. D. McGrath
Carl McGuire
Rose McHugh
Evadna McIntosh
Norman McKeag
E. J. McKean
H. T. McKee
Earl McKillips - Corner Grocery
Ruby McKinsey
Marion McLellan
Norma McMillen
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd McMullen
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. McMullen
Frank M. McNett
Wm. McRae
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur McReynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Mecham
Mehring’s Beer & Liquor Store
A. E. Melkus
“Memorial Stadium Booster”
Mr. & Mrs. Art Menck
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Menck
Karl Mendenhall
Mrs. Mary Merchant
Elayne Mester
Elmer S. Meth
Wm. Metro
Ralph Mettenbrink
Mr. & Mrs. D. H. Meves
Mr. & Mrs. Det Meves
Laura Meves
Alice Meyer
Mr. John Meyer
Meyer’s Jewelers
Robert W. Meyer
Toni Michael
Mrs. Jessie Michaelis
H. F. Michelman
Midwest Farm Equipment Co.
Thomas Millar
Alma R. Miller
Eugene Miller
Miller’s G. E. Appliance
Millworkers Local Union No. 330
Mr. & Mrs. L. F. Milne
Milne Oil Co.
Shirley Milsap
Max Miner
Mr. & Mrs. W. O. Miner
Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Minor
Ray Mintzayer
John A. Mitchell
Model Laundry
John Moe
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Moeller
Alfred Mohl
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Monson
Mrs. R. E. Moody
Mr. Robert Moody
Bertha Moore
Mrs. C. M. Moore
Clyde Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Moore
Mr. E. F. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Morris
Mrs. Celia Morrison
M. E. Moses
Drs. Moslander & Latham
Motor Engineering Works
Movie Operators
F. W. Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Warrren Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. A. Mudicott
Mrs. Myrna Muir
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Mundhenke
T. B. Murray
Musicians’ Union
Mrs. Roland Myers

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Nader
Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Nagelstock
Mrs. Lauretta Naracong
Clarence Nasland
Earl Nasten
Coleman Nay
Nebraska Consolidated Mills
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co.
Nebraska Register
Nehi Bottling Company
Noward N. Nelly
Adeline Nelson
E. Floyd Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Nelson
Nelson Lumber & Supply Co.
Erma Nenek
Berniece Nessin
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nettenbrink
Leo Neubert - Standard Oil 2nd & Cle.
Max Neubert - Standard Oil 2nd & Pine
Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Neumayer
A. B. Newell
Lyle Newlon
Mr. & Mrs. Art Neyhart
Neyhart Barber Shop Employees
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Vern Nicholas
Nels L. Nicoliason
Stanley Niehaus
Nielsen & Petersen Transfer Co.
Betty Nielsen
Emma Nielsen
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Nielsen
Loren Nielsen
Norma Nielsen
Evelyn Niemoth
Inline Nietfeld
Geo. A. Niller
The Nitzel Co.
Pauline K. Nizie
Mr. Charles E. Noble
Gordon Noel
Norden Laboratories
Rev. Melin Nordine
John B. Noren
Roland Norman
Norm’s Tavern
North Side Radio Clinic
Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.
Northwestern Public Service Co.
Harry Norton
James Norton
Mrs. Addie Nye

O. K. Liquor Store
Oasis Tavern
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Odin
Mrs. Emma Oesterling
Mary Cale O’Hara
Thos. J. O’Hara
Mr. & Mrs. F. C. O’Keefe, Mr. & Mrs. Stan Kully, & Miss Bertha Novak
Arden Olin
Mr. Andrew W. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Olp
Mrs. Ida C. Olson
Mrs. Olson’s Root Beer
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Olzofka
Chauncey O’Neal
John Orbank
Ernest Ostermeier
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ottman Jr.
Overland National Bank
Mr. John Owens
Owl Cab Co. & Lemmon Motor Co.

P. F. Peterson Baking Co. (Peter Pan)
Alice E. Paine
Judge Bayard H. Paine
Judge & Mrs. Bayard Paine Sr.
Sgt. & Mrs. Bayard Paine Jr.
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Chas. Paine
Paine Monument Co.
Mr. V. M. Painter
Painters’ Union
Mrs. Ogla S. Palmer
Mr. Lyle Parkin
C. R. Parks
Mrs. L. R. Parks
Allan Paro
Blanche Parsons
Paul Mangelsen Home Funrish.
Paul Sothman Construction Co.
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Paulick
Donna Paulos
Peanut & Popcorn Shop
Donald E. Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pedersen
H. D. Peeks
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Peeler
Peggy’s Kiddie Shop
Walter B. Pepper
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.
Dorothy Perhase
Frank Perkos
Dr. F. Perrin
Barbara Peters - Capital Beauty
Mr. Ernest Peters
Miss Freda Peters
Mr. Harry Peters
Julius Peters
Oscar Petersen
H. G. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Peterson
Pete Pfenning
Jean Pfluckhahn
The Pfluckhahn Shoe Repair Shop
Mr. & Mrs. John Pheif
Mrs. R. A. Phelps
Floyd E. Philbrick
Leonard Philbrick
Alex Pickrell
Mr & Mrs. C. A. Pinkerton
Neil Pinkston
Mr. Hugo C. Piper
Mr. Frank Placek
Platte Valley Construction Co.
S. L. Pletcher
Dr. A. R. Plith
Margaret Plummer
Mr. John Pokorney
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Polzel
Odin W. Poppe
Mrs. E. F. Porter
Louise Porter
Ed Post
Mr. & Mrs. Grover Post
Steve & Alex Poullos
Mr. Harry Poulos
John Poulos
Perry Powell
Mr. Marvin Powers
Ed Preisendorf
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Preisendorf
Louis Preisendorf
Georgia Price - Little Men & Women’s Shop
R. B. Price
Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Prinz
Bessie Proctor
David Proctor
Adeline Prorock
Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Prucha
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Pulliam

Activity Committee Q. O. Ordnance Corp.

R. E. Murphy Co.
Wm. Rabe
Claude Ragland
L. E. Rasey
Mr. & Mrs. S. H. Rasey
Al Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rasmussen
Edith Rathman
Nan Ray
Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Ray
Red Lamp Antique Shop
Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Reed
Marvin Reeder
Warren Reeves
Rev. & Mrs. O. W. Reger
Clayton Reher
Emma Reher
Bess Reid
Mr. & Mrs. James Reilly
Dr. & Mrs. John V. Reilly
John Reimers
Oscar Reimers
Theodore Reimers
Arlene Reiners
Leigh Reinhart
The Reitan Co.
Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Rembolt
Rose Remboldt
Hall Renner
Jim Renner
Opal Renner
Henry Reuber
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. A. Reutlinger
Edgar Reynolds
Geo. M. Reynolds - National Cash Register Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Reynolds
Dorothy Rice
Rev. & Mrs. R. Richards
Betty Riggs
Vivian Roark
E. M. Roberts
Leonard Roberts
Ruby Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Roberts
Ellouise Robinson
Mr. LaVerne Roby
Rockwell Bowling Alleys
C. E. Rockwell
L. E. Rodebaugh
Emil F. Roeser
Ernie Rogan
Rogers Jewelry Co. by David Fogel
August Rohweder
Marvin Roper
J. D. Rose - Pepsi Cola
Arthur Rosenkotter
Mrs. Donovan Ross
Henry Ross
Kenneth Ross
Lola Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Winnie S. Ross
Betty Roth
Gene Roth
Mrs. W. W. Rouse
Dr. Howard Royer
Don Ruby
Alma Ruge
Mr. Claus Ruge
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rupp
Jos. D. Rupper
Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Rush
Russell Furniture Co.
Mrs. Lillian Russell
Owen Rutherford
Mrs. Chas. G. Ryan
E. P. Ryan

Safeway Stores Inc.
Barry Samuelson
Fred Samway
Gerald Samway
H. J. Sander
Sanitary Plumbing Co.
Mr. M. J. Saribante
Robert P. Sass
Virginia Sassen
Mr. Ed Sawicki
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Schaaf
Schaffel & Sons. Mon. Co.
Earl Scheel
Anna Scheffel
Clara Scheuneman
June Schirkofsky
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schleichardt
Arlo Schleiker
Evelyn Schlieker
H. D. Schmidt
Otto Schmidt
Nick Schnell
Ed Schoenheiter
L. E. Schomburg
Henry F. School
School District No. 15
Ernest Schrader
Jake Schritt
Bob Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Schroeder
Lt. & Mrs. R. F. Schuelssler
John Schuett
Schuff Tire Service
Mrs. Josephine Schultz
Eileen Schulze
Rev. & Mrs. F. W. Schulze
Virginia Schumaker
Lucille Schwarts
Mr. & Mrs. August Schweiger
Daniel Scott
Mr. & Mrs. E. L. W. Scott
L. Scott
R. A. Scott
Mr. Ray E. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. S. T. Scott
Sears Roebuck & Co.
Mrs. Searson
Effie Seery
Rev. & Mrs. M. Sehabacker
Fester Seier
J. E. Seiler
Bill Seymour
Clarence Seymour
Harry Shafer
Mary Shannon
Shirley A. Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. M. M. Shapiro
Bernie Shaver
Shaver’s Market
Martha Jane Shaver
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Shaver
Mr. & Mrs. L. G. Shehein
Mrs. Amanda Shell
Mrs. Ellis B. Shepherd
Merle Sherard
Frank Sherman & family
Tri-States Theatre Corp. & Mrs. Madeline Shiller
Kenneth Shindo
May Shirkofsky
Delores Shoemaker
Louis Shotkosky
Mr. Charles H. Shott
Albert Shulte
Sidles Co.
Bonita Simon
Mr. Joe Simon
Rhoda Simon
Mrs. E. M. Simpson
Sink & Baer Employees
Sixth & Pine St. Station
O. P. Skaggs & G. W. Martin Co.
Marilyn Skeels
Skips Conoco Station
Mary Slattery
Dr. & Mrs. Geo. C. Smaha
Al Smith
H. J. Smith
Helen Smith
Kathleen Smith
Mrs. W. B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Smith
Earl Snodgrass
Bill Snyder
Mr. Cecil E. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Snyder
Soldiers Home Members & Employees
Mr. Erwin S. Solt
William Sommer
Dorothy Sonnenfelt
Thelma Sopher
Erma G. Sorensen
Fred Sorensen
Marjorie Sorensen
The Sothman Co.
S. Spangenberg
Thomas E. Spath
Ara Spears
Walter Speck
Spelts Lumber Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sprague
St. Francis Hospital
Al Stahlnecker
Dee Stahlnecker
Harvey Stahlnecker
Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Staidley
Betty Stanley
Star Laundry
Star Lite Cafe
Mr. & Mrs. E. F. Starr
Lee Staundenraus
Marion Steck
Ines Steckmeyer
Mrs. Donald V. Steele
Earl F. Steele
L. L. Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Stein
Stanley Stenka
C. B. Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Stephens
Mrs. Stella Stephens
Mrs. Beatrice Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Stewart
Stewart’s Shoe Service
Wm. F. Stewart
Mrs. John Stiles
Inez J. Stillens
Erma Stites
DeVon Stogdill
Dorothy Stohle
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Stolley
Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Stratton
Ms. May Streator
Mr. & Mrs. N. Stroh
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stryker
Leo Stuhr
T. J. Sturtevant
Sub-Deb Club
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Suhr
Sullivan’s Grand Island Storage
Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Sunberg
Sutters Dairy
Wm. Swain
C. L. Sweet
“Sweet Music”
Dr. L. F. Sweetland
Rev. L. F. Sweetland
Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Swindell
Edna Switzer
Rev. Albert Szynal

Richard Talbot
Henrietta Talmage
Lenora Tangerman
Tangerman’s Tavern
Mr. John Tarnick
Carol Taylor
Mr. Herndon Taylor
James Taylor
Mr. John W. Taylor
Mr. Merle E. Tennant
Terry Bros. & Neves
Rev. L. A. Tessmer
Third City Sand Co.
Clarke Thomas
Clendene Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. B. L. Thompson
Tom & Avis Thomsen
Mr. A. C. Thomssen
S. W. Thornton
Irene Thur
Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Tiernan
Fred Todson
Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Toft
Tony’s Loan Co.
Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Townsend
R. E. Townsend
Ralph E. Townsend, W. T. 1/c, Phillippines Islands
Mr. Leo C. Trautmann
June Triboulet
Trinity Lutheran School
Frank Tripe
Mrs. Grace Tucker
Alan H. Tully
Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Tully
J. A. “Jim” Tuma
Mrs. Elizabeth Tumblin
Twin Rivers Co.
Typographical Union

U. C. T. Auxiliary
Violet Ueckert
Mr. & Mrs. Jake Uhrich
H. W. Ullstrom (Hall County Hatchery)
Ulry-Talbert Co.
Bette Unfred
Union Pacific Oldtimers Aux.
U. S. Employment Services Employees
Mary Urwiller

Earl J. Van Bibber
Claude Van Gorden
F. H. Vandegrift
Mr. & Mrs. Lynand VandeVegt
David Vanosdall
Theo Vanosdall
Mrs. Augusta Veit
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall County Auxiliary
E. H. Vieregg (Northwestern Public Serv.)
Mrs. Eva B. Vieregg
Henrietta C. Vieregg
Mr. O. A. Vieregg
Tressa Volkman
Orval Voorhees

W. A. C. Mothers Club
W. A. Carter Plumbing & Heating
Howard Wacek
Jay Waddington
Mr. Elmer Waffle
Lola Wagner
Butch Wahl
Charles Walker
Edw. Walker
Pearl Walker
Leonard J. Walklin (Gestring Drugs)
Mr. Earl Walling
Walnut Jr. High School
Walnut Jr. High School Paper
Walnut Jr. High School Teachers
Walnut Pharmacy
Ross Walsh
Clarence O. Walters
D. R. Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Walthall
Alta Ware
B. E. Ware
Mrs. Ella Washburn
Harriet Waskowiak
Mr. Charles Wasmer
Wasmer School
Mr. & Mrs. M. Wassermann
Dr. Donald P. Watson
Don Weaver
James Webb
Webb Live Stock Commission Co.
Bernice Weigert
Clara Weigert
The Weldary
Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Wellensiek
Mrs. Calvin Weller
Vera Welles
Mr. & Mrs. A. B. Wells
Mrs. Hannah Wells, Wood River
Mr. & Mrs. Geo Wellsandt
Mrs. Geo. W. Welsh
Lydia Wendt
James Wenger
William C. Wenninger
Mr & Mrs. Albert Werner
Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Werner
West End Grocery
Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Westphal
Marie Wetzel
F. S. White
White Horse Tavern
White House Cafe
Charles Whyte
John F. Whyte Jr.
John F. Whyte Sr.
Geo. Wiechman
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Wiegert
Mrs. Frederick Wietser
Della Wilcox
Ray Wilcox
Lester Wiley
Eddie Williams
I. J. Wilkens
Rusk Wilkins
Carl Willard
Dave Williams
Mrs. Hasel A. Williams
Robert Williams
Williamson Furniture Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Williamson
Aaron Willis
Paul H. Willis
Pearl D. Willis
Carol Willman
Willman Frozen Food Lockers
Wilson Auto Parts
Mr. William R. Wilson
Dr. Earl W. Wiltse
Albert Windolph
Henriette Windolph
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wingert
Ardeth Winget
Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Winters
Van P. Wittenmeyer
E. J. Wolbach
Samuel N. Wolbach
S. N. Wolbach Sons
Fred Rauch & Wolbach’s Store
Ralph Wolcott
Women’s City Bowling Assn.
Doris Wondercheck
Mrs. Nettie Woodard
Dr. J. G. Woodin
Dr. R. C. Woodruff
H. H. Woodward
Mrs. M. Worland
Max Wragge
Mrs. Anna Wurth

Yancey Hotel Employees
Yellow Cab Co. Employees
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Yost
Mr. & Mrs. W. N. Youngelnus
Marie Yount
Mrs. J. H. Yund

John Zanzow
Albert Zellar
H. F. Zieg Family
Orrill B. Ziggafoos
Mr. & Mrs. A. Zimbelman
Edward Ziola
Eugenia Zlomke
Otto Zlomke
Howard Zornes
Dr. & Mrs. W. Z. Zuspan
Mr. & Mrs. Sol Zveitel

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