Grand Island Senior High Show Choir
Ultimate Image | Future Image | Sweet Revelation
Student Account Donations

Grand Island Senior High (GISH) has three competitive show choirs: Ultimate Image, Future Image and Sweet Revelation. These show choirs have earned a reputation across Nebraska and the Midwest for bringing high-energy, award-winning musical performances to major competitions. Consistently over the years these show choirs reach finals at competitions and earn awards, such as grand champion, best vocals, best chorography, best acting, best band and best sportsmanship.
The students in GISH show choirs need support from their families, school, community and local businesses to be able to participate in an activity where students gain skills to prepare them to be successful adults. Students learn teamwork, cooperation, critical thinking, fairness, integrity, empathy, kindness, caring, self-confidence, good sportsmanship and they gain pride in representing their school and community.

The financial cost of keeping the show choirs strong and competitive is significant. Costumes, choreography, travel, copyright and royalty fees are just a few of the expenses. Support for this program through donations and sponsorships keeps the individual cost each student is required to pay as low as possible so that students who have been selected have the opportunity to participate. Contributions make it possible for the show choirs to compete with other top-notch programs while providing support for the entire vocal music program.
We would sincerely appreciate if you would support this program by making a donation toward student fees by either sponsoring a specific student or helping a student in need through a general sponsorship.
Student fees for the 2023 – 2024 school year:
Ultimate Image - $450
Future Image - $350
Sweet Revelation - $250
On behalf of the 175 students involved in the GISH Show Choir program, thank you in advance for your support. It is greatly appreciated.

We thank you for your support.