GIPS Foundation announces opening of 2021 Classroom Grant Application
The Grand Island Public Schools Foundation is pleased to offer the first round of the 2021-2022 annual mini-grant cycle. “Since our beginning in 1983, the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation has been committed to enhancing and supporting student opportunities. The Foundation’s annual mini-grant cycle provides a unique way for us to invest in students while encouraging teachers to “Dream Big” and obtain funding for special projects and activities that are outside the realm of the school district’s budget. We know that GIPS teachers and staff are not only amazingly resourceful and resilient, but also extremely imaginative. We look forward to seeing how we can help them realize their big dreams for this school year,” said Vikki Deuel, GIPS Foundation Board President.
Last school year, 17 mini-grants were funded across the district that impacted approximately 5,790 students. The mini-grant fund is established via the Add it Up to Opportunity! Staff and Board fund drive and Community Fund Drives held during the 2020-2021 school year.
Grant awards will range from $100 - $2,000.
The Grand Island Public Schools Foundation awards mini-grants in two rounds on an annual basis. Mini-grants are designed to fund educational opportunities for students that are not available through the school district's general budget. Only applicants with a email address are eligible for grants.
Round 1 Deadlines:
- August 15 - open
- September 30 at 4:00 pm - closed
- October - awards announced
- Projects should begin after November 1
Round 2 Deadlines:
- December 15 - open
- January 28 at 4:00 pm - closed
- February - awards announced
- Projects should begin after March 1. This could include summer school and next fall.
CONTACT: Traci Skalberg, Grand Island Public Schools Foundation, (308) 385-5525, extension 201170;